The Greens in Palerang

Archive for December, 2008

Safer Smarties, no thanks to Australia’s food regulator

Saturday, December 20th, 2008

While Nestle Australia has agreed to dump the six bright artificial food dyes linked to hyperactivity disorders, the nation’s food regulator still refuses to act, according to Greens NSW MP John Kaye.

Dr Kaye said: “The body charged with setting the standards on the food supply, FSANZ, is playing statistical games with the health of young people.

“Nestle Australia has finally bowed to pressure and will follow its British branch in removing the colourings.

“Australia has at last joined the UK in having safer Smarties.

“However, a large number of other food products on the Australian market still have large concentrations of these dyes. (more…)

Authorised by Catherine Moore, 1149 Charleys Forest Road, Charleys Forest NSW 2622 for the Braidwood Greens
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The Greens