The Greens in Palerang

Archive for the 'Health' Category

100 days, 40 failures: a preview of secretive, cruel and chaotic government

Monday, December 16th, 2013

Releasing a list of the Abbott government’s top failures, the Australian Greens say the first 100 days have been a secretive, cruel and chaotic preview of what is to come.

“During the election campaign the Abbott government’s true agenda was hidden behind cheap rhetoric, but you can’t run a country with a slogan,” said Australian Greens Leader Christine Milne.

“The Abbott government has tried to claim a so-called mandate to take Australia back to the last century, but he doesn’t have one. The longer Prime Minister Abbott and his big business mates run the show, the less the public knows about what’s going on behind the scenes. The Abbott government is a secretive, cruel and chaotic government.

“The Australian people didn’t sign up to this, and the Greens will stand against it. (more…)

The future lies in your hands

Sunday, September 1st, 2013

Voters face a serious choice on September 7 and the choice they make will determine the direction this country follows, not just for the next three years but for a long time after, says Greens candidate for Eden-Monaro Catherine Moore.

“On the one hand we have an Opposition that has set itself up to take control, but whose policies are largely unknown and whose actions are all about making the rich richer. It is an Opposition that denies the need to act decisively on climate change and perpetuates fear and loathing of some of the most vulnerable people, including asylum seekers,” says Catherine.

“On the other hand we have  government that seems to be trying to match the Opposition’s position in a number of areas, including refugees, and that also lacks the courage to ask the wealthiest to pay a fairer share.

“Both are determined to hold onto power at any cost, and have lost sight of the need to make decisions for the greater good of the whole community, into the future.

“But it doesn’t have to be simply an “either… or” situation. (more…)

Standing up for what matters - contribution for August Snowy River Echo

Thursday, August 1st, 2013

Our comprehensive election platform “Standing up for what matters” has been fully costed by the Parliamentary Budget Office and makes The Greens the obvious choice for all who want to see a change of focus in politics. If implemented, it would ensure a healthy, just and sustainable future for the people of Eden-Monaro.

Simple measures like a 0.2% levy on bank assets above $100 billion, the abolition of fossil fuel subsidies, an effective mining tax and 50% tax on all incomes in excess of $1,000,000 would raise $42.7 billion.

There is an urgent need to act on climate change. If we don’t, there is every likelihood we will see an end to snow this century, and farming will be even more difficult than it is now. The Greens want a swift transition to renewable energy, for which there is huge potential here, and which would create thousands of jobs. Imagine if Eden-Monaro became home to Australia’s first solar thermal energy plant!

Farmers are essential to our country’s future prosperity and a sustainable economy. We propose actions to strengthen the viability of farming and farming communities, and increase support for small business and local employment in general. (more…)

Greens’ food plan great news for local producers

Monday, July 29th, 2013

The Australian Greens’ food plan announced today is great news for food producers in the region, says Greens candidate for Eden-Monaro Catherine Moore.

“Farmers’ markets and community gardens have been springing up across Eden-Monaro for years, in Bega, Moruya, Braidwood, Cooma and Queanbeyan, to name a few places.

“This is happening for a number of reasons, ranging from concern about where our food is coming from and what is going into its production in the way of chemicals to recognition of the need to reduce ‘food miles’.

“It is about time farmers received a fair price for the food they are producing, but with the current supermarket duopoly, many can barely scratch a living from the low prices they are being paid.”

The Greens plan would boost local food production with an $85 million dollar injection of funds so producers can set up or strengthen farmers markets, food box sales, farmers’ co-operatives, regional marketing and food hubs. (more…)

Standing up for what matters in Eden-Monaro

Wednesday, July 17th, 2013

In the wake of the launch of The Australian Greens’ policy platform “Standing up for what matters”, Greens candidate for Eden-Monaro Catherine Moore says that The Greens are the obvious party of choice for all those who want to see a change of focus in politics, and positive and meaningful proposals to take us into the future.

“If they were implemented, the policy initiatives that we have released for this election would ensure a healthy, just and sustainable future for the people of Eden-Monaro.

“By introducing simple measures like a 0.2% levy on bank assets in excess of $100 billion, the abolition of tax-payer funded fossil fuel subsidies, an effective mining tax and 50% tax on incomes in excess of $1,000,000, we could raise $42.7 billion over three years.

“These funds could then be directed into social and environmental policy actions that benefited all Australians. (more…)

The 2013 Federal Budget and Eden-Monaro, Greens’ perspective - for Bega District News

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

The National Disability Insurance Scheme be will be of great assistance to rural and regional people with disabilities, who frequently have fewer choices than people from more highly populated areas. Increased school funding is also welcome as again, rural and regional areas are often struggling to provide the programs and facilities that are available in the city. Redirecting the baby bonus to family payment is also an improvement, as is a fairer superannuation payment system, with those on $37,000 or less now paying no tax.

However, despite these positives, The Greens believe that the Government has missed some golden opportunities to build a safer, cleaner, more just and compassionate society.

The Government is only implementing 39% of the reforms proposed by Gonski, which has led to the labelling “Gonski Lite”. While the welcome boost to schools education is the biggest for years, generous funding of private schools continues while the cuts to tertiary education will force students further into debt and impact on universities’ vital research. Tertiary students in Eden-Monaro will suffer greater impact as they often have to leave home or travel long distances to study.

Labor will spend $10 billion in this year’s Budget subsidising the biggest mining companies to look for and burn fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. This is equivalent to $66 million for every electorate in the country – money that could have been spent in the community. The subsidy for fuel use by the mining industry is projected to increase by $352 million in the next financial year. (more…)

‘Was that a gun?’ Hunting in National Parks may begin in the near future, and locals are worried.

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

Hunting may begin in National Parks in the very near future, and Eurobodalla bushwalking and conservation groups are increasingly concerned about the dangers likely to be faced by their members - and by members of the public more broadly - in the months and years to come as result of this new practice.

“No-one will be able to enjoy a peaceful walk in their local National Park in the future,” said John Perkins, Convenor of the Friends of Durras.

“You’ll always be on guard, not knowing whether someone with a gun or a hunting bow is just around the next corner or behind that stand of trees. You won’t be able to let the kids run on ahead, because you’ll never be sure what they’re going to run into.

“And on top of this you’ll need to be very careful not to annoy any hunter you come across. Only last week, a farmer who challenged two shooters hunting kangaroos on his property near Orange without his permission won himself a threatening shot to the ground around his feet and had his mobile phone smashed - and this is just the latest reported act of aggression by hunters towards people seen as getting in their way.”    (more…)

March against Monsanto, May 25

Friday, May 24th, 2013

Happening somewhere in the world near you.

Some positives in Budget, but government has missed opportunities

Monday, May 20th, 2013

Despite including some positive initiatives in this year’s Budget, the Government has missed some golden opportunities to build a safer, cleaner, more just and compassionate society, says Greens candidate for Eden-Monaro Catherine Moore.

“The National Disability Insurance Scheme be will be of great assistance to rural and regional people with disabilities, who frequently have fewer choices than people from more highly populated areas.

“Increased school funding is also welcome as again, rural and regional areas are often struggling to provide the programs and facilities that are available in the city. Redirecting the baby bonus to family payment is an improvement, as is a fairer superannuation payment system, with those on $37,000 or less now paying no tax.

“But while generous funding of private schools continues, the cuts to tertiary education will force students further into debt and impact on universities’ vital research. People living on Newstart need an extra $50 per week but instead they will be able to earn just an extra $19 per week (effectively, one hour of work) before their income support payment is affected. (more…)

Put mining tax on the table to raise revenue

Tuesday, April 30th, 2013

The Australian Greens call on the Prime Minister to explain why she has put all options on the table to raise revenue except the most obvious one - the mining tax.

“Julia Gillard, Wayne Swan and Penny Wong need to explain why the resources giants are being treated with kid gloves and shielded from any tax increase, while the community is being asked to foot the bill for the budget black hole,” Australian Greens Leader Senator Christine Milne said today.

“In the Senate Inquiry hearing into the mining tax yesterday, established by the Greens, Economics Professors Ross Garnaut and John Quiggin said there is no reason why Labor should not put a consistent 40 per cent tax across oil, gas coal, iron ore and other commodities such as gold. (more…)

Authorised by Catherine Moore, 1149 Charleys Forest Road, Charleys Forest NSW 2622 for the Braidwood Greens
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Welcome to the website for the Greens in Palerang, who comprise the Braidwood Greens and some members of the Queanbeyan-Monaro Greens local groups. These groups run joint campaigns in the state seat of Monaro, and together with the Eurobodalla and Bega Greens groups, in the federal seat of Eden-Monaro.

Green policies are based on the four green principles of: These principles are at the foundation of everything we do, from our local activities and the way we operate in our local group to our representation at the local government level.

The Greens