The Greens in Palerang

Archive for the 'Palerang Council' Category

Greens in Monaro preferences statement

Monday, March 16th, 2015

Following the ballot draw last week and the absence of any progressive small party or independent candidates, The Greens in Monaro, comprising the Braidwood and Queanbeyan-Monaro Greens local groups, have determined that, after a recommendation for voters to vote 1 Green in the March 28 State Election, voters number the ballot paper 2 ALP, 3 Nationals, 4 No Land Tax and 5 CDP.

This decision has been made independently by The Greens in Monaro, following the distribution of a questionnaire to John Barilaro, sitting National Party member, and Steve Whan, ALP candidate.

Unfortunately and despite follow-up attempts, no response was received from the office of John Barilaro, but even so, it has not been an entirely straightforward decision, as some of the ALP responses continue to differ widely from the policies and priorities of The Greens and Green voters. (more…)

Water is gold: a Conversation

Sunday, July 21st, 2013

Next in the Conversations series being run by The Greens as part of their Eden-Monaro campaign is “Water is gold”, to be held on Saturday, July 27 in Moruya.

Starting at 3pm, Greens candidate for Eden-Monaro Catherine Moore will talk to Dr Su Wild River about mining and forestry threats to the Eurobodalla water supply, the new “water trigger” amendment to federal legislation and local impacts of climate change. There have been a number of challenges identified with the Dargues Reef gold mine and Su will give an update as we approach two years since the mine’s approval.

“I am really pleased to have the opportunity to talk to Su about these important issues. I had the pleasure of working with her during my time as councillor when we served together on the Palerang Council Climate Change Committee, and she brings a wealth of information, energy and enthusiasm to any task she undertakes,” said Catherine.

“If time permits, Su will also give a rundown on lessons from Palerang Council’s research into water futures - including local impacts of climate change and connections between local development and the protection of environmental flows.”

Everyone is welcome, and there will be an opportunity for questions and contributions from those attending. Afternoon tea will be provided.

The event is free. (more…)

Future Directions for NSW Local Government

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Thankyou for the opportunity to make a submission on Future Directions for NSW Local Government. I do so as spokesperson for Braidwood Greens and from the standpoint of Palerang councillor, 2004-2012. It has been endorsed by Braidwood Greens members.

This submission deals with the two main issues of funding and amalgamations, but it also touches on a number of other matters, especially those related to democracy.

The preamble on page 4 gets straight to the the big issue of funding, referring to “a local government system facing major financial problems with apparently little awareness of just how serious the situation has become. ”

Local councils cannot fail to be aware of how hard it is to fund the programs they are expected to run and the services they provide, and Palerang is no exception.

The paper states that new directions must allow local government to provide “better services, infrastructure and representation for the communities it is intended to serve.

“The Panel’s goal for local government is therefore:
A more sustainable system of democratic local government that has added capacity to address the
needs of local and regional communities, and to be a valued partner of State and federal governments.”

This goal is laudable, but it is hard to see how it will be achieved without the funding that is so desperately needed.

Nowhere in the sustainability and finance section of the preamble, or anywhere else, does the paper mention increased funding from external sources. Nowhere does it recognise the imperative for state and federal governments to stop cost-shifting. It is all about redistribution of existing funds and reassessing the current state government policy on rate-pegging. Indeed, the whole argument for amalgamation seems to be predicated on the basis of insufficient resources for the current number of councils. (more…)

Council amalgamations won’t address long-term financial viability

Monday, May 27th, 2013

Merging Palerang and Queanbeyan councils is not the solution to long-term financial viability for their communities and would come at a heavy cost to local democracy, the Braidwood and Queanbeyan-Monaro Greens said.

In a joint statement responding to the NSW Local Government Review Panel’s latest report, the Greens groups said “a merger does not address the real problems facing local government, particularly smaller, regional and rural councils trying to serve dispersed communities on limited budgets.

“State governments expect councils to deliver more services but councils are constrained in how they raise revenue. Major investment is needed in critical infrastructure but councils are faced with hefty loan costs and/or passing on significant rate rises and fee increases to residents and ratepayers, because State and Commonwealth funding has not kept up with need.

“If this core problem is ignored, Palerang and Queanbeyan communities could be forced through a merger only to find in another 10 years that we are confronting the same problem again.” (more…)

Greens welcome referendum announcement and urge immediate action on campaign for “yes” vote

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

The Greens in Eden-Monaro have welcomed the announcement confirming that the referendum on recognition of local government in Australia’s Constitution will be held in conjunction with the 2013 Federal Election, but they are urging communities and councils to start campaigning immediately to maximise support for a “yes” vote.

“The announcement of the referendum to recognise local government in the Constitution has slipped through with barely a murmur, and with only four months to go until the September election, there is not a lot of time to engage communities and councils in the campaign,” says Catherine Moore, Greens candidate for Eden-Monaro and former Palerang councillor.

“Local government is the sphere of democracy that is closest to the people, and has the opportunity to do a much better job if its future is secured through Constitutional recognition. Currently its survival is at the whim of State Governments, which have been passing on more and more responsibility to councils but not matching the increased burden with funding.

“Strengthening local government with recognition and adequate funding will allow councils to get on with providing the services and facilities that people expect,” says Catherine.

“It is not acceptable that councils have to reduce swimming pool and library opening hours, for example, or cut funding to surf life saving, or cease membership of groups like Southern Tablelands Arts, or say no to community group requests for financial support. (more…)

Braidwood Greens submission on the draft PLEP

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013
Along with many other groups and individuals in the Palerang Local Government Area (LGA), Braidwood Greens made a submission to Palerang Council on the Palerang Local Environmental Plan (PLEP). The exhibition period closed on March 8.

To read the full submission from Braidwood Greens to Palerang Council on the draft PLEP, click on the link below.

Bega District News first off the blocks

Friday, February 8th, 2013

Following Julia Gillard’s election date announcement, the Bega District News asked the three known candidates for Eden-Monaro a series of questions. Here are The Greens’ responses.

What are the big issues as you see them in Eden-Monaro for this election year? Which will you be championing in your election campaign?
Climate change remains the biggest issue of our time, and it is already starting to affect everyone, so it will be of great concern if there is any party or candidate who does not take climate change seriously. Recognising how it permeates all our lives through health impacts, electricity and insurance costs for example, and taking positive action by way of investment in renewable energy programs, will filter through to a range of policy areas and benefit everyone in the electorate. While coal and coal seam gas mining does not affect Eden-Monaro directly, its impacts will be felt by all. Continuing to mine and export coal in increasing volumes together with the use of processes that pollute or destroy water supplies is something we need to stop. As with every previous election in which I have been involved, the closure of the chipmill is a major issue. The Greens presented a plan for softwood processing to state government and opposition candidates in the 1999 state election, and some of that has now been taken up, but we need to go further. See later responses for more detail. (more…)

Greens point to urgency of yes vote at referendum

Sunday, June 24th, 2012

The Greens in Eden-Monaro say that the High Court ruling that the Commonwealth acted outside its constitutional powers in funding the National School Chaplaincy Program (NSCP) is the biggest impetus yet in the campaign for constitutional recognition of local government.

Greens candidate for Eden-Monaro and Palerang councillor Catherine Moore says it is imperative  for communities around the country to mobilise now to support the campaign for local government  recognition in the constitution, to ensure a resounding “yes” vote at referendum.

“The viability of local government is at stake as a result of this ruling, as it sets a precedent that threatens local government funding. Many of the federal grants that councils currently receive, such as the Financial Assistance Grants (FAGS), could disappear.

“While this decision might be a big win for accountability, it also threatens the ability of local councils to function; many councils rely on their FAGS to carry out much-needed roadwork in country areas, for example.” (more…)

Greens announce candidate for Eden-Monaro

Sunday, May 20th, 2012

Members of the four Greens groups in Eden-Monaro – Bega Valley, Braidwood, Eurobodalla and Queanbeyan-Monaro – have again endorsed Catherine Moore as their candidate in Eden-Monaro for the next Federal Election, the date of which is as yet unknown.

Catherine, who is an artist and has been a Palerang councillor since 2004, was The Greens candidate at the 2010 Federal Election and for the State seat of Monaro in 1995, 1999, 2003 and 2007. She will not be recontesting her council position at the September 2012 elections.

“I am really pleased to again be able to represent The Greens in Eden-Monaro over the period between now and the next Federal Election, raising the issues that are important if we want a safe, just and sustainable future. The last campaign was a very short one, so it is great to have an opportunity to continue the work from 2010 over a longer time-frame.

“Contrary to what some people believe, the outcome of the last election and the hung parliament which resulted have been very healthy for democracy in this country. Democracy should not be about a system dominated by two parties only, legitimised by absolute majority of either of those parties, and operating in an atmosphere of adversarial confrontation. It is time we recognised the value of constructive debate and negotiation which is required when such a majority does not exist, and the important role played by parties like The Greens, together with independents, in that process. (more…)

Five people dead

Monday, March 12th, 2012

(letter to the editor, Canberra Times, published to ** 13 March 2012, published in full in March 14 editions of Bungendore Mirror and Braidwood Times)

My heart goes out to all those whose lives will never be the same as a result of losing their loved ones on the Kings Highway last weekend.  These tragic events are yet another wake-up call to all of us who drive, a graphic reminder that the lower speed limits on some sections of the road, advisory speeds on bends, and unbroken lines on bends and crests are there for a reason. We cannot keep blaming the road, and it is hard to imagine that there will ever be enough money to build a dual carriageway down the Clyde. But we all can, and must, learn a lesson from these events and take the utmost care to drive according to conditions, and if it takes an increased, ongoing police presence on the highway in marked and unmarked cars to make sure we do, that needs to happen.

As a Palerang councillor and resident of the Braidwood area, I travel the Kings Highway frequently and invariably with trepidation, not because of the road but because of the acts of dangerous driving that I witness nearly every time I am in my car, whether they be by people travelling at high speeds, overtaking in unsuitable places or tail-gating, apparently oblivious to the consequences of the car in front having to brake suddenly, for whatever reason. We drivers have a responsibility not just for our own lives and those of our passengers, but for others on the road too, and for the police, the ambulance drivers and the emergency services personnel** who must deal with the consequences of the rush to get to the coast or Canberra and elsewhere a little bit sooner.

Catherine Moore

Authorised by Catherine Moore, 1149 Charleys Forest Road, Charleys Forest NSW 2622 for the Braidwood Greens
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Welcome to the website for the Greens in Palerang, who comprise the Braidwood Greens and some members of the Queanbeyan-Monaro Greens local groups. These groups run joint campaigns in the state seat of Monaro, and together with the Eurobodalla and Bega Greens groups, in the federal seat of Eden-Monaro.

Green policies are based on the four green principles of:
  • Social and economic justice
  • Ecological sustainability
  • Peace and non violence
  • Grassroots democracy
These principles are at the foundation of everything we do, from our local activities and the way we operate in our local group to our representation at the local government level.

The Greens